Surrey Sports Park News

Squash Bookings

Written by Jess Tomlinson | Jul 30, 2020

· 40 minute session

· Mon – Fri 7.00am – 10.20pm (Last booking will be 9.40pm)

· Sat 8.00am – 6.40pm (Last booking will be 6.00pm)

· Sun 8.00am – 10.00pm (Last booking will be 9.20pm)

· Person making the booking is responsible for ensuring NGB and Government guidance is adhered to. All guidance displayed on SSP website and included in confirmation e-mail

· Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to booking.

· Booking time may include check in process

· All bookings to check in at the main reception before play

· All players must arrive and check in at the same time

· A guest fee of £3 will apply to all non-members playing with a member

· Card only payments

· All players to arrive ready to play using own equipment.

· Only draw string or racket bags will be permitted into the building

· Changing facilities and lockers will not be available (subject to change)

· Spectating will not be permitted